If you are under 30 rowing age, you are eligible for this discounted Standard membership. This paired with the Sculling Use package, is a popular package for young adults back from college for the summer.

A standard membership includes
- Discounted programming fees ( 10% off for the year )
- The ability to represent GRC at local regattas
- The opportunity to run for a seat on the GRC board of Directors
- Participation and vote in the annual members meeting
- The ability to rent club boats (with Director's approval)

If you are under 30 and need a place to row for the summer [June- August], you are eligible for this limited Under 30 Membership. This is specially created for those rowers in Rochester for the summer; paired with the Sculling Usage, it is a popular option for those looking for some summer rowing fun.
Benefits include
- Discounted programming fees ( 10% off for the summer )
- The ability to represent GRC at local regattas
- The ability to rent club boats (with Director's approval)

The Gold membership will get you all of the benefits of the standard membership. (see above)
The Gold membership includes up to
A. Five (5) scheduled program lessons (sweep, sculling or winter tanks) per week.
B. Four (4) scheduled program lessons (sweep, sculling or winter tanks) and one (1)
seat rental in a club boat per week.
C. Three (3) scheduled program lessons (sweep, sculling or winter tanks) and two (2) seat
rentals in a club boat per week.
With the approval of the rowing director, any member can take out available club sculling boats if previous notice is given, through the reservation system.
For Standard, Novice, and Gold members, each 2 hour reservation is $15 per seat
For Under 30 Members one season of unlimited rows (Spring, Summer 1, Summer 2) is $90; fall, $120
For Standard Members one season of unlimited rows (Spring, Summer 1, Summer 2) is $120; fall $180